Let’s be wrappy

Traditional wrapping paper is designed solely for single use, thus creating a large amount of paper waste during the holiday and birthday seasons. This is a massive issue when looking at the amount of paper used around Christmas time.

Fast Fashion is particularly detrimental to the environment as well. The issues caused by fast fashion include a large amount of material waste, water pollution, toxic chemical use and excessive overall waste. Finding a way to deal with these issues is extremely important in order to protect the environment and the impact that humans have.

Our products were created to make a difference and to try to reduce the impact these issues cause. It’s time to make a change.

University Assignment


Research & Ideation
Production Creation

Our wraps are primarily made out of clothing found in local Op Shops, but we also encourage our customers to donate some of their old clothing so we can turn them into more personal, customised wraps.

We want our customers to feel like they are making a change and for them to feel good about the impact they are making on our environment.

The logos feature a hand-drawn design and typeface to fit with the handmade features of our wraps. The first logo is situated with the company, whereas the second design is featured alongside the first logo on the product tags.

As our products were created to be a replacement for traditional wrapping paper, our tags feature a “TO” and “FROM” section so the presents can be labelled. instructions are also shown on the packaging to help people understand different ways on how to use our product. There are many different ways our wraps can be used but we made sure to show some of our favourites.

Each product that we produce is entirely unique, with no one item being the same. As a company we want to focus on creating a zero-waste lifestyle and our wraps are just one step into creating this dream.

We are extremely concerned with how much waste we are creating as humans. This is why we purchase all the clothing for our wraps from Op Shops that donate the profits back into the local community. This is our way of helping both the environment and the society we live in.

We have also made sure to partner with local business who are believe in zero waste and reducing the impact humans have.

Our posters will be displayed in their stores to help promote our wraps and to help customers switch from traditional, single-use wrapping paper to our handmade reuseable wraps.

We are extremely passionate and concerned about this issue, which is why an additional 5% of earning from every wrap sold gets donated to NACRO Integrating Zero Waste Network. They are an organisation that focuses on recycling, reusing and waste diversion by aiming to create zero waste.

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Inox Lubricant


Black Metal Typeface